Vertigo Indicates a Weird Bone Disease

Vertigo Indicates a Weird Bone Disease

You are probably been more concerned about things such as stroke or falling than a bone disease in cases where you have experienced vertigo attacks. But a new study from the journal European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology has revealed that those suffering vertigos...
Two Vertigo Types Cured the Same Way

Two Vertigo Types Cured the Same Way

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is the most common form of vertigo. This type of vertigo has two subtypes: traumatic and idiopathic. The traumatic type most commonly occurs in response to a blow to your head. The idiopathic type is the one that occurs...
All Vertigo Types Healed the Same Way

All Vertigo Types Healed the Same Way

If you’ve been researching vertigo and dizziness, you’d have probably heard that there are several types, such as Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Vestibular neuronitis, Meniere’s disease, and more. Furthermore, even if there is no known cure in the...
New Persistent Vertigo Type Finally Treatable

New Persistent Vertigo Type Finally Treatable

Most forms of vertigo are extremely responsive to treatment and are generally not hugely problematic in the long run. However, since the 1980s, neurologists have become aware of a persistent form of vertigo that involves psychological, behavioral, and biological...
Interesting Vertigo and Dizziness Stimulation Cure

Interesting Vertigo and Dizziness Stimulation Cure

A new study that appeared in the Journal of Neurology has now shown that a specific type of stimulation can cure even the most stubborn variants of vertigo. This is even when all other treatments had failed. The best part of this stimulation treatment would be in the...