by Christian Goodman | Sep 18, 2018
Past studies to have found direct connection between gastroesophageal reflux disease (acid reflux), or GERD, and sleep apnea. But which disease is the cause of the other (chicken and the egg) or are they actually both caused by some mysterious third element? That’s...
by Christian Goodman | Sep 4, 2018
People with sleep apnea are often overweight or obese. It is, in fact, often due to the fat buildup around our necks, backs, and chests that press on the airways, making them collapse during the night while you sleep. Scientists from the James Madison University...
by Christian Goodman | Aug 22, 2018
You probably know many of the complications and irritations snoring and sleep apnea can cause. But nightmares, sleep walking and even violence, have not been associated with snoring and sleep apnea before. Norwegian scientists decided to put these things to the test...
by Christian Goodman | Aug 9, 2018
As irritating as snoring is, most of us wouldn’t think it had any serious consequences, and if it did, we would not connect it to the cause behind destroying part of your skin. But a new study from Loyola University and a publication in the Journal The Ocular Surface...
by Christian Goodman | Jul 22, 2018
A good night’s sleep is relaxing and recharging and can, therefore, tackle many diseases, including high blood pressure. However, we will not be discussing sleep in this article. There is something else that happens in your sleep that directly causes high blood...
by Christian Goodman | Jul 17, 2018
You’ve probably heard of several factors that contribute to sleep apnea, but food is very seldom discussed. And we’re not talking obesity (big contributor to sleep apnea), these are not foods that necessarily cause weight gain. Yet, one of them will make your sleep...