Cause of Insomnia in Elderly Discovered

Cause of Insomnia in Elderly Discovered

About half of people over 50 suffer some kind of sleep problems. You may have trouble falling asleep, wake up throughout the night, or rise too early. But researchers from the University of Chicago recently tested 727 elderly people and recorded their sleeping...
5 Common Prescription Drugs That Cause ED

5 Common Prescription Drugs That Cause ED

Medications are supposed to improve your health, aren’t they? And it’s just infuriating when your doctor prescribes medications that end up causing you horrendous side effects such as ED, isn’t it? That’s why I’m letting the cat out on 5 common types of medications...
When Lack of Sleep is Not a Problem

When Lack of Sleep is Not a Problem

Attention: you are receiving this because, weirdly enough, it’s actually sometimes healthier to get less sleep. Yes, really. You’ve been told you need sleep. Lots of it. And maybe you’ve struggled to fall asleep – and you might be worried about what that means for...