by Christian Goodman | Mar 19, 2020
We know that to remain healthy we must exercise, but this doesn’t mean that we don’t find walking on a treadmill painfully boring. But there’s some good news for those who want to escape the monotony of gym life – Danish researchers recently published a report in the...
by Christian Goodman | Mar 15, 2020
When scientists from Northumbria University discovered a juice that lowers not only blood pressure but also increases brainpower, they created quite a stir. But if this is not enough – this juice is also said to improve, or even cure, dementia. Then they watched in...
by Christian Goodman | Feb 29, 2020
If your blood pressure measure yields a reading of 120/80 or less, pat yourself on the back – your blood pressure is under control. This is becoming increasingly rare, however. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates approximately 25% of Americans...
by Christian Goodman | Feb 25, 2020
Imagine finding a remedy for high blood pressure that requires you to do only one activity twice a year… Well, we may no longer have to dream it, because researchers from Osaka University have found the way. The experiment involved injecting the mice with a chemical...
by Scott Davis | Feb 23, 2020
Many people consider having a heart attack as easy to spot – pain in the chest, left arm and jaw, and all the sweaty drama that goes with it – it’s the stuff TV medical dramas are made of… …but the reality is heart attacks are much more subtle! It is estimated that as...
by Christian Goodman | Feb 21, 2020
We all know vitamins can help with a number of everyday processes and getting the right amount is essential for optimum health, but did you know there’s one vitamin in particular that regulates everything from your immune response to bone health? But it gets even...