How Hypothyroidism Causes Stroke And Heart Attack

How Hypothyroidism Causes Stroke And Heart Attack

Most of us know that the symptoms of hypothyroidism are fatigue, tiredness, weight gain, and other well-known symptoms. But stroke and heart attack? That’s a new—but well-documented—connection found in two new studies published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology...
This Vitamin Slashes High Blood Pressure by 10%

This Vitamin Slashes High Blood Pressure by 10%

Getting enough of this vitamin that slashes high blood pressure might be one of the easiest things you’ll do today (seriously!). …And for every 10% increase in the levels of this vitamin in your system, you’ll be reducing your risk of heart disease by 8%. How’s that...
One Cause of High Blood Pressure You Can Eliminate

One Cause of High Blood Pressure You Can Eliminate

There are many causes of high blood pressure that are difficult to avoid, while others, like genetic influences, may be downright impossible to control. However, it is within your power to prevent the number one cause of high blood pressure. Even if your blood...
Yummy Berries Protect Your Heart And Arteries

Yummy Berries Protect Your Heart And Arteries

Scientists from King’s College London have just published a study in the Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics proving that a delicious berry is extremely good for cardiovascular health. These berries clean your arteries and make them more flexible, and can...