Prescription Medications That Kill

Prescription Medications That Kill

If you’re taking a prescription medication, chances are that your drug has been recalled by the FDA and you might not know about it for months, until it’s time for a refill. In fact, doctors and pharmacists even insist this drug is safe even if the FDA has banned the...
7 Health Mistakes You May Be Making

7 Health Mistakes You May Be Making

As a regular reader of Blue Heron Health News, I assume you’re one of those lucky people who really cares about your health. And, you likely try to favor natural solutions whenever possible. However, there are some mistakes that I see well-meaning health-focused...
This New Drink Causing Deaths and Hospitalization

This New Drink Causing Deaths and Hospitalization

If you or know someone you love regularly drinks so called “energy drinks,” you’ll definitely want to read today’s feature article. It may save lives. You have probably noticed the growing energy drink trend for the last few years. Whether it’s the sport drink soda...