by Jodi Knapp | Jul 22, 2023
One big problem with the advances in genetic research is that they give people an excuse to be sick. After all, if your type 2 diabetes is caused by your genes, there is nothing you can do about it, right? Wrong! A new study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine...
by Jodi Knapp | Jul 2, 2023
Type 2 diabetes is a condition that causes your blood sugar levels to rise excessively. Enlarged prostate is inflammation of the prostate gland. At first glance, there is no connection. However, a new study published in The Aging Male took a second look. It revealed a...
by Jodi Knapp | Jun 21, 2023
Type 2 diabetes is considered a lifestyle disease, meaning that it’s caused primarily by our modern Western lifestyle. What exactly about our modern lifestyle causes type 2 diabetes, and how can we avoid it? That’s the burning question a new study in Nature Medicine...
by ShellyManning | May 13, 2023
Fruit and vegetables are given their colors by the pigments they contain. A new study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that specific fruits and vegetable colors can eliminate type 2 diabetes symptoms. Anthocyanins are the red, blue, and purple...
by Julissa Clay | May 9, 2023
Seldom does one type of food show as many health benefits as the one presented in a new study in the journal Nutrients. In various forms, it can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes by 25% and the risk of clogged arteries by 21%. It can be used in anything from a...
by Jodi Knapp | Apr 27, 2023
Type 2 diabetes is a potentially deadly disease, with most patients dying of cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes. To help to prevent this outcome, a study has just appeared in Diabetes Care that reveals the best dietary advice for type 2 diabetes. The...