Treat Diabetes and Heart Disease: One Food TypeA new study in BMC Medicine reveals that replacing one specific food type with another specific food type can drastically reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

You may even completely reverse these diseases by taking this one step.

The research, conducted by a team in Germany, meticulously searched medical journal databases up to March 2023. Their goal was to analyze prospective studies that examined the impact of replacing animal-based foods with plant-based ones on cardiovascular diseases (CVD), type 2 diabetes (T2D), and overall mortality rates.

After putting all the studies together, they then used standard statistical methods to assess the participants’ diets and calculate their health risks.

The study, encompassing 37 different studies on 24 different groups of participants, revealed several significant associations.

1. There was a reduced risk of CVD when substituting processed meat with nuts (27% lower), legumes (23% lower), and whole grains (36% lower).

2. There was also a lower risk of CVD when substituting eggs with nuts (17% lower) and butter with olive oil (4% lower).

3. The evidence was present, but weak, for the idea that the substitution of red meat with nuts or legumes, the replacement of poultry with nuts, and the swapping of eggs with legumes could reduce CVD risk.

4. Swapping seafood with nuts or legumes had no effect on CVD or diabetes.

5. Diabetes risk decreased by 10% when replacing red meat with whole grains and 8% when replacing them with nuts.

6. Substituting poultry with whole grains reduced diabetes by 13% and swapping eggs with nuts or whole grains reduced it by 18%.

7. Swapping butter with olive oil reduced diabetes by 6%.

8. There was a reduction in premature death risk when replacing red meat with nuts and whole grains, processed meat with nuts and legumes, dairy with nuts, and eggs with nuts and legumes.

These results demonstrate a clear pattern: replacing animal-based foods like red and processed meat, eggs, dairy, poultry, and butter with plant-based foods such as nuts, legumes, whole grains, and olive oil significantly reduces your risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and premature death from any cause.

Remember, you don’t have to go all the way to a vegan lifestyle. Small changes can make a huge impact.

But there is only one ingredient you need to cut out to normalize your cholesterol and clear out your clogged arteries. And I bet you didn’t even know you were consuming this ingredient explained here…

And you can completely reverse your type 2 diabetes in 28 days or less, take the three simple steps explained here…