The Magical Healing Power of This Cinderella Fruit

The Magical Healing Power of This Cinderella Fruit

This popular all-over-the-world bright orange fruit is often used as a seasonal decoration. However, it is also a power-food packed with important nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Due to its unique nutrient content, this nice-looking fruit has the...
Weird Type 2 Diabetes Genetic Connection Discovered

Weird Type 2 Diabetes Genetic Connection Discovered

Scientists have been debating for decades how significant a role lifestyle changes play in type 2 diabetes versus genetic predisposition. To try to put this matter to a rest, new study recently searched through the entire genetic code of 2,657 diabetics and...
High Blood Pressure Spikes This Cancer Risk

High Blood Pressure Spikes This Cancer Risk

Fortunately, more people than ever are surviving even the most aggressive types of cancer – and we’re finding more things to avoid to not developing those cancers in the first place. However, new research published in the journal Cancer reveals devastating news...
Your Thinking Can Worsen Diabetes 60%

Your Thinking Can Worsen Diabetes 60%

When talking about type 2 diabetes, diet and exercises are usually the two main things recommended. But there may actually be another factor that is even more important. Scientists have found that those thinking in a specific way are 60% more likely to develop type 2...