This Supplement Makes Cholesterol Levels Skyrocket

This Supplement Makes Cholesterol Levels Skyrocket

Nowadays, almost everyone who is serious about working out uses supplements to aid their progress. It can be a simple protein shake, creatine, or pure amino acids. But one kind of supplement should be avoided at any cost. A new study by the European Society of...
The Cholesterol and Eggs Debate: Winner Declared

The Cholesterol and Eggs Debate: Winner Declared

Eggs are high in cholesterol, so for decades, doctors have warned against them. But eggs are also delicious, highly nutritious, and very convenient, so you’d maybe want to eat more eggs than your doctor likes. With this in mind, researchers from the University of...
This Oil Prevents Heart Attacks and Repairs Broken Hearts

This Oil Prevents Heart Attacks and Repairs Broken Hearts

The #1 cause of death in the world is heart failure of some sort. So, if you were to discover one single type of oil that could repair your heart in 30 minutes, I think you would be pretty interested, wouldn’t you? Well, that’s exactly the result of a new study...
Cut Stroke Risk by 40% with this Delicious Snack

Cut Stroke Risk by 40% with this Delicious Snack

If you could take a magic pill that caused absolutely no side effects and cut your risk of suffering stroke and heart attack in half, wouldn’t you take it? How about if there was one small, delicious snack that had the same effects? You can find this snack in every...