Neuropathy Reversed In Two Steps

Neuropathy Reversed In Two Steps

The medical system seems to finally be realizing what I’ve been teaching for years. It’s quite easy to reverse neuropathy! A new published in the journal Obesity enrolled 131 study participants into a simple two-step plan and saw drastic improvements in their...
Do Vegetables Cause Chronic Kidney Disease?

Do Vegetables Cause Chronic Kidney Disease?

Fruits and vegetables are usually considered to be the healthiest foods you can eat. But a new study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health now reveals that chronic kidney disease (CKD) may be caused by exactly the vegetables we eat...
Does This Vitamin Heal Hypothyroidism (Really)?

Does This Vitamin Heal Hypothyroidism (Really)?

This vitamin has been hailed for its health benefits. Among other things, it may also heal hypothyroidism. But a new study in the journal BMC Endocrine Disorders recognizes that all previous studies on this vitamin and hypothyroidism were small and unreliable. So...
Is Your Forgetfulness Dementia-in-the-Making?

Is Your Forgetfulness Dementia-in-the-Making?

Many elderly people start to panic about dementia or Alzheimer’s disease when they find gaps in their memory or weaknesses in their ability to make quick decisions. But are your little senior moments a normal part of aging or a fast track to the disease we all...