by Scott Davis | Sep 24, 2023
Most of the time, acid reflux is caused by the food we eat, being overweight, or smoking. A new study in the journal Frontiers in Public Health identified a completely different lifestyle factor that drastically contributes to acid reflux. Fortunately, it’s easy to...
by ShellyManning | Sep 12, 2023
You can obtain the acid reflux treatments known as proton pump inhibitors over the counter or by prescription. In fact, it’s the most prescribed medication in the world. A new study in Osteoporosis International reveals that acid reflux treatments cause osteoporosis...
by Scott Davis | Aug 8, 2023
There are ways to boost hormone production and many therapies use this as a strategy to tackle various health issues. But according to a new study in the journal Menopause, boosting female sex hormones should not be done artificially as it can cause severe reflux...
by Scott Davis | Jul 4, 2023
It isn’t difficult to understand why acid reflux causes problems in the esophagus and throat since the acid directly affects those areas. The lungs, however—that’s another story. A new study in the European Respiratory Journal reveals a shocking connection between...
by Scott Davis | Jun 10, 2023
Between 14 and 52% of the world’s population suffers from acid reflux. Since numerous studies have revealed the life-threatening side effects of heartburn medications, it’s important to identify the lifestyle factors that cause it. Avoid these factors, and your acid...
by Scott Davis | May 4, 2023
There is one thing everyone suffering from acid reflux knows: It’s very difficult to avoid it! That was true until a new study on the preprints platform medRxiv revealed a simple solution. It’s all about moving one thing! Here is the problem: up to now, most studies...