Acid Reflux and Sleep: A Terrifying ConnectionIf you suffer from acid reflux while you sleep, you already know that it can be very disruptive.

But you may not be aware of the extent to which it affects your overall health.

A new study in JAMA Network Open researched the connection between acid reflux and sleep. And the results are nothing short of terrifying.

The study, led by scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital, investigated the link between the frequency of acid reflux symptoms and sleep quality.

The scientists mined the medical data of 48,536 women from the Nurses’ Health Study II. They were especially interested in the women’s self-reported frequency and duration of acid reflux symptoms, collected every four years between 2005 and 2019.

The scientists also assessed sleep quality via a modified Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index issued in 2017.

Here are some key findings and what they mean:

1. Women who experienced acid reflux more than once a week had a 53% higher risk of poor sleep quality compared to those with less frequent symptoms. Indicators of poor sleep quality include difficulty falling asleep, feeling restless during sleep, feeling excessively sleepy during the day, and other sleep disturbances.

2. Both those who did and did not take medication for their acid reflux experienced poorer sleep quality.

3. Women who had experienced acid reflux once or more a week for more than seven years were 36% more likely to suffer from poor sleep quality.

4. Compared with those without acid reflux, those who experienced it twice a week were 49% more likely to be unable to fall asleep easily, 47% more likely to be tired during the day, and 44% more likely to have restless sleep.

5. Acid reflux was more common in women with higher body mass, lower physical activity levels, and those with some medical conditions including asthma and depression.

The potential long-term complications of acid reflux go beyond discomfort and include more serious conditions like Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal cancer. This study adds to the literature and indicates that acid reflux also significantly affects sleep quality. This is critical because good sleep is vital for overall health, affecting mood, cognitive function, and other vital bodily functions.

Yet another reason to address your acid reflux. Fortunately, that’s not so difficult to do. Thousands of readers have permanently healed their acid reflux using the simple, natural steps explained here…