by ShellyManning | Sep 22, 2018
Arthritis is a serious enough disease that disrupts your life enough, but many people with this condition also experience extreme fatigue, making it impossible to lead anything close to a normal life. A team of French scientists has just published a study in the...
by ShellyManning | Sep 5, 2018
A new study from Iceland and Sweden, and published in JAMA reveals one factor that can increase the risk of arthritis by a scary 36%. What’s more, by managing this factor, you may be able to avoid arthritis flare-ups. To get their data, they analyzed information...
by ShellyManning | Aug 29, 2018
The traditional medical system generally considers arthritis (especially rheumatoid arthritis) a genetic disease with no cure. But, according to a new study published in the journal Clinical Rheumatology, nothing is farther from the truth. They identified five types...
by ShellyManning | Aug 11, 2018
Sometimes, the cure is as bad as the disease itself and, according to a new study presented at the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) congress of June 2018, this was certainly the case for arthritis. This is as if you’re suffering arthritis, you’ve definitely...
by ShellyManning | Aug 1, 2018
Around 30% of those who suffer from arthritis pain also report a high level of stress. This is almost three times the stress level of the general public. That’s because stress triggers your immune system, which causes inflammation, which of course worsens arthritis. A...