This Spice Improves Arthritis Better than Drugs

This Spice Improves Arthritis Better than Drugs

The traditional medical system will tell you there is no cure for arthritis. But that doesn’t stop them from pushing pain relievers and steroid drugs onto you. However, one specific type of spice has been found in repeated studies to be as, or more effective, than the...
Arthritis Caused By This Huge Food Group

Arthritis Caused By This Huge Food Group

Osteoarthritis is sometimes called wear-and-tear arthritis. It occurs when the cartilage in your joints wears away and causes the surrounding bones to rub against each other. The medical system claims that this is caused by a strain on the joints, like working in jobs...
Arthritis Worsened 67% Due To This Childhood Trauma

Arthritis Worsened 67% Due To This Childhood Trauma

Children are extremely vulnerable. And this sets them up for trauma that can harm them for the rest of their lives. A study has just appeared in the journal Rheumatology that reveals that if you suffer from arthritis, it’s very likely caused being exposed in a...
Arthritis and Fatigue Connection Revealed

Arthritis and Fatigue Connection Revealed

Arthritis is a serious enough disease that disrupts your life enough, but many people with this condition also experience extreme fatigue, making it impossible to lead anything close to a normal life. A team of French scientists has just published a study in the...
One Arthritis Factor Spikes It 36%

One Arthritis Factor Spikes It 36%

A new study from Iceland and Sweden, and published in JAMA reveals one factor that can increase the risk of arthritis by a scary 36%. What’s more, by managing this factor, you may be able to avoid arthritis flare-ups. To get their data, they analyzed information...