Eating this Halts Kidney Disease

Eating this Halts Kidney Disease

There are five stages of kidney disease. In stages 1-3, the people may not even realize they’re suffering from a dangerous disease. But when it progresses to stage 5, kidney failure is unavoidable. So, it’s not so much about finding a cure for kidney disease as to...
One Ingredient Causes GOUT (cut this out)

One Ingredient Causes GOUT (cut this out)

A new study published in the journal Cell Metabolism reveals that gout is much more dangerous than previously thought. Millions of deaths blamed on type 2 diabetes, obesity and other conditions were actually caused by elevated uric acid – the underlying mechanism of...
This Cheap Supplement Relieves All Arthritis Pain

This Cheap Supplement Relieves All Arthritis Pain

“Excruciating” is a word that is commonly used to describe the pain associated with arthritis, and if you’ve ever suffered from it, or know someone who does, you too can probably relate. At times, the pain is like no other, resulting in many people going to great...
New Technology Diagnoses Gout Without Needles

New Technology Diagnoses Gout Without Needles

The word “needle” conjures up negative images for many people, especially when it comes to medicine. It’s perhaps the most universally hated medical device in the world. After all, blood tests are painful and inflict unnecessary stress. Gout sufferers would be all too...
This Common Mineral Causes And Worsens Arthritis

This Common Mineral Causes And Worsens Arthritis

It is true that minerals are essential for maintaining good health in the body, but not all minerals are created equal. A recent Korean study published in Cell has identified one mineral that causes arthritis. Researchers from Gwangju Institute of Science and...