New Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis Discovered

New Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis Discovered

Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects over two million people worldwide, impairing their ability to move, see, and think due to its debilitating impact on the nervous system. A recent study in the journal Cell Stem Cell now reveals a new treatment may heal even the most...
When Hypothyroidism Causes Heart Failure

When Hypothyroidism Causes Heart Failure

Hypothyroidism has many subtle symptoms such as lack of energy and increased body weight. But something as serious as sudden heart failure and potential death, that´s not often discussed. A new study in the latest Journal of the American Heart Association, however,...
Treat Diabetes and Heart Disease: One Food Type

Treat Diabetes and Heart Disease: One Food Type

A new study in BMC Medicine reveals that replacing one specific food type with another specific food type can drastically reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. You may even completely reverse these diseases by taking this one step. The...
Neuropathy Caused By This Vitamin Deficiency

Neuropathy Caused By This Vitamin Deficiency

Neuropathy is often blamed on diabetes, chemotherapy drugs, and a few other factors. Which doesn’t quite make sense because most people exposed to those factors don’t end up developing neuropathy. Which means there must be another factor involved. A new study in the...
Parkinson’s Disease Caused By This Plastic

Parkinson’s Disease Caused By This Plastic

More and more research is emerging revealing that Parkinson’s disease is a lifestyle disease and completely preventable. What’s more, taking the right actions, you can also prevent it from progressing, even reverse it naturally. One of those studies was recently...