Death From Type 2 Diabetes Prevented By This Food

Death From Type 2 Diabetes Prevented By This Food

Type 2 diabetes is a potentially deadly disease, with most patients dying of cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes. To help to prevent this outcome, a study has just appeared in Diabetes Care that reveals the best dietary advice for type 2 diabetes. The...
Strange Parkinson’s and Dreaming Connection Discovered

Strange Parkinson’s and Dreaming Connection Discovered

Most of us dream while sleeping. According to a new study in NPJ Parkinson’s Disease, a specific type of dreaming may be a warning sign of Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease can occur in two forms. In most cases, it starts in the central nervous system, but in...
Reverse Neuropathy: A Common Vitamin

Reverse Neuropathy: A Common Vitamin

A new and revolutionary study published in the journal Cureus has very promising news about neuropathy. Apparently, it can be drastically improved and even reversed using a common vitamin found dirt cheap in every pharmacy. Vitamin D3 has previously been linked with...
Is Parkinson’s Caused By This Childhood Event?

Is Parkinson’s Caused By This Childhood Event?

Parkinson’s disease has a complex set of causes, such as genetics, diet, lack of exercise, and sometimes social isolation. However, a new study published in the journal Neurology: Clinical Practice reports an interesting connection between Parkinson’s and something...
#1 Cause of Diabetes And Cure Discovered

#1 Cause of Diabetes And Cure Discovered

A new study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine claims that one type of food is mostly to blame for almost all cases of type 2 diabetes! And you’re most likely eating it every day! Stop eating this food and watch what happens to your diabetes in a few...