A New Way to Diagnose Vertigo at Home

A New Way to Diagnose Vertigo at Home

30 percent of people suffer from vertigo at some point in their lives but getting it diagnosed can be a real hassle. The problem is that it’s such a specialized field, so when you arrive at the ER they might not have a practitioner and the diagnostic instruments...
7 Deadly Sins of Food for High Blood Pressure

7 Deadly Sins of Food for High Blood Pressure

You don’t need us to tell you that high blood pressure is bad news. It’s common knowledge, but do you know what you should be doing about it? There’s a ton of research out there which tells us what to eat and what to avoid to keep our blood pressure healthy, but it...
This Natural Home-Based ED Treatment is Effective

This Natural Home-Based ED Treatment is Effective

Scientists at Australia’s James Cook University have just published a study in the journal Physiotherapy that shows how ED can be treated naturally, cheaply, and (perhaps more importantly) privately in the comfort of your own home using nothing more than a...
Effective Home Remedies for Vertigo

Effective Home Remedies for Vertigo

The most common cause of vertigo is a type called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (or BPPv). That’s quite an intimidating sounding name, but a new study in the journal Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management says that it’s actually quite easy to treat. The...