This Candy Cures Type 2 Diabetes

This Candy Cures Type 2 Diabetes

Too often when talking about healthy living, we must give up on the food and things we love the most. So, I love it when new studies come out proving the most delicious things to be healthy. A new study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry reveals a...
This Light Treats Type 2 Diabetes

This Light Treats Type 2 Diabetes

When it comes to treating type 2 diabetes, we usually focus on food and exercise. We might sometimes talk about sunshine and health in relation to vitamin D, but that is not what we’re referring to today. What we’re talking about is a new study presented at the...
Diabetes and Nail Fungus: Shocking Connection

Diabetes and Nail Fungus: Shocking Connection

Diabetics have many health concerns. Nail fungus may often be ignored as among the less severe of these concerns. It shouldn’t be, though, because it can be life-threatening. A new study in Square addresses this concern and reveals some shocking facts. The scientists...
ED and Diabetes—A Terrifying Connection

ED and Diabetes—A Terrifying Connection

If you’re a man suffering from ED, you may think that although it sucks, at least it’s not life-threatening. Think again! A new study in Preventive Medicine reveals a terrifying connection between ED and type 2 diabetes—A connection you need to know about today!...
This Flower Heals Type 2 Diabetes

This Flower Heals Type 2 Diabetes

It’s beautiful, smells wonderful, and now, according to a new study in Life Metabolism, it can also heal type 2 diabetes. A few years ago, a team of scientists at the University of Otago made a significant breakthrough in diabetes research. They found that a chemical...
Diabetic Blood Sugar Drops 30%: Common Drink

Diabetic Blood Sugar Drops 30%: Common Drink

It’s tasty and sweet. According to a new study published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, it also permanently drops blood sugar levels of diabetic patients by a whopping 30%. Best of all, you can make this delicious drink at home or buy it in any supermarket....