See What High Blood Pressure Makes You Crave…

See What High Blood Pressure Makes You Crave…

If you’re like most people with high blood pressure, you’ll find yourself being a lot more conscious about what you put in your mouth, but what if your mind tries to talk you into doing something that’s bad for you? Some heavier people blame their weight gain on a...
Is Vertigo Caused By Your Bones?

Is Vertigo Caused By Your Bones?

It sounds odd, but there is a real relationship between your bones and the sensation of spinning dizziness known as vertigo. Past research on the subject has been inconsistent though, so a team of researchers looked at previously published studies to try and nail down...
ED Could Be in Your Genes

ED Could Be in Your Genes

By now, we know that men with type 2 diabetes are more likely than the general population to suffer from ED. Scientists have found that type 2 diabetes causes nerve damage and arterial damage, so they assume that it’s this that limits blood flow to the penis. The...
Two Painless TMJ Treatments Compared in New Study

Two Painless TMJ Treatments Compared in New Study

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) is a painful condition that can make your face hurt, your jaw ache and chewing food painful. A new study in the Journal Drug Invention Today has just compared ultrasound therapy and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation to...
Is Your Lack of Sleep Killing You?

Is Your Lack of Sleep Killing You?

We spend a third of our lives asleep, or at least we should do. Plenty of us don’t get that magic eight hours every night and we find ourselves stumbling on through the next day anyway. But it turns out that we can’t keep pushing ourselves like this forever....