by Christian Goodman | Aug 15, 2011 |
Eating raw-food has been proven extremely healthy. Even if you don’t go completely raw, just increasing the amount of raw food you eat can help lower cholesterol, improve type-2-diabetes, drop blood pressure and relief arthritis pain just to name a few example...
by Christian Goodman | Aug 3, 2011 |
This video includes two very simple exercises to improve TMJ. For even more effective exercises, click here…
by Christian Goodman | Jul 26, 2011 |
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by Christian Goodman | Jun 24, 2011 |
Want to heal yourself without side effects of medications? Check this out: How to drop your blood pressure below 120/80 as soon as today… Beat type-2-diabetes using those 3 steps… Heal arthritis in 21 days and never suffer again… Cure erectile...
by Christian Goodman | Apr 15, 2011 |
Today, Amanda McQuade Crawford, medicinal herbalist gives us great tips on handling arthritis pain naturally: More info on managing arthritis naturally…
by Christian Goodman | Jan 16, 2011
After helping over 1.321 men who often had wasted hundreds or even thousands of dollars on useless crappy erectile dysfunction methods I felt obligated to put a stop on this!