Vertigo and Dizziness Cured Over the Internet

Vertigo and Dizziness Cured Over the Internet

Vertigo and dizziness often goes undiagnosed and untreated for years, even decades. But a new study from the University of Southampton reveals a simple, easy way to treat vertigo and dizziness over the Internet. Participants in this study experienced great relief from...
Simple Cure for Vertigo Finally Discovered

Simple Cure for Vertigo Finally Discovered

Italian researchers recently discovered a simple procedure that cures 85% of people from “incurable” Ménière’s disease. This is a disease of the inner ear that causes extreme vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, and a feeling of fullness in the ear. As anyone with...
The Deadly Effects of Vertigo (must read)

The Deadly Effects of Vertigo (must read)

There are many different underlying causes of vertigo, but it now seems like one of the most serious of these is so brief that many people don’t take it particularly seriously. It lasts for only a second or two in most cases and people tend to ignore it and pass...