by Christian Goodman | Jun 28, 2018
Vertigo is normally definitively diagnosed by a doctor who examines your eye movements in response to head movements. But authors of a new study in the journal Human Brain Mapping were wondering what the brains of vertigo sufferers looked like and whether the changes...
by Christian Goodman | Jun 17, 2018
The journal Frontiers in Neurology has just printed a study by scientists from Baylor College of Medicine and Rice University that shows specific job types can cause vertigo and dizziness. And it’s caused by a weird pressure in the job impacts to your ears. Pressure...
by Christian Goodman | May 19, 2018
It’s most often pretty straightforward to heal vertigo. But there is one little thing that can stand in your way according to a new study published in the journal Frontiers in Neurology. Fortunately, this one thing doesn’t stop you from curing your vertigo, it just...
by Christian Goodman | Apr 27, 2018
Because vertigo is so unpleasant and scary, many people rush to the emergency room when it happens to them. But often it is not due to serious causes like stroke. An article in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that, even though dizziness accounted for 4% of...
by Christian Goodman | Mar 9, 2018
A new British and Swedish study reveals disturbing findings on doctor’s ability to help people with vertigo. A total of 296 vertigo sufferers, age +50, were either sent for face-to-face visits to a doctor, or were directed to a simple website with information and...
by Julissa Clay | Jan 30, 2018
Vertigo is often considered very difficult to diagnose and treat. However, a new study published in the journal, The Laryngoscope, reveals a simple cause and potential cure for the most common form of vertigo. The cause is a simple hormone deficiency in postmenopausal...