by Christian Goodman | May 15, 2015 |
Snoring is one of the most annoying complaints in relationships. It causes sleeplessness, fights, and even dangerous diseases. You see endless gimmicks sold that supposedly cure snoring. But if you’ve tried one or ten of them, you know that they’re nothing but money...
by Christian Goodman | Feb 10, 2015 |
Snoring is a big problem worldwide. At least 40% people report snoring at least some of the time. Some people have more serious problems with it, including sleep apnea. But there are “cheats” that help you get through the night silently, without having to resort to...
by Christian Goodman | Aug 28, 2014 |
You never want it to stop. No, not ever. Let’s just say that when your heart stops beating, unpleasant things happen. And high blood pressure can cause that to happen. You already knew that. But high blood pressure doesn’t just affect your heart. Oh no, this rather...
by Scott Davis | Aug 13, 2014 |
Look, we’re not saying that you absolutely have to tell your doctor about these 8 embarrassing things. But we are saying that you’ll live a healthier, more vigorous life if you do talk to your doctor about this stuff. You’ll feel better at the end of it all, and if...
by Christian Goodman | Apr 11, 2014 |
Over 50% of people above the age of 45 snore once in a while. It’s a normal thing and nothing to worry about. However, if you or your partner snore loudly every night, it’s more of an annoyance and you definitely want to seek a solution (snoring is actually easy to...