When Is Constipation a Medical Emergency?

While gathering information and client comments to prepare for the upcoming launch of our Treating IBS Naturally program, I was quite unnerved by a common problem that I knew people had.  I just wasn’t fully appreciating the seriousness of it. Constipation is one of...

I Watch What I Eat but I Can’t Lose Weight

My team receives several emails a week with this statement in it.  The way the emails typically end is with the writer asking for help or advice as to what else can be done. On rare occasions I get a letter from someone who actually admits that he or she tries to...

Why Milk and Digestion Problems Don’t Mix

A reader asked me recently about some unsettling assertions about milk that had been getting attention in the news. Her question was in regard to whether or not milk is bad for you. As with a lot of these questions, the answer is frequently yes and no. The benefits of...