Do This With High Blood Pressure, but Do It Right!

Do This With High Blood Pressure, but Do It Right!

If you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure, there is one thing you absolutely must do. It will save your life. According to a study presented at the American Society for Nephrology’s annual meeting in Philadelphia, most people do this in the wrong way, often...
Cholesterol: The Healthiest of the Healthiest Diet Revealed

Cholesterol: The Healthiest of the Healthiest Diet Revealed

This delicious health diet has been proven again and again to be absolutely the best diet for improving cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood sugar, and every other health metric. So a new study published in the journal Heart decided to put it to an ultimate test....
High Blood Pressure’s Strange Side Effect

High Blood Pressure’s Strange Side Effect

We all know that high blood pressure more often than not leads to serious diseases like stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, dementia, and ED. But there is one strange health issue high blood pressure causes. One that nobody talks about. Yet, it’s so serious that...
Heart Attack Risk Determined by Your Home Address

Heart Attack Risk Determined by Your Home Address

Two studies published during the last month, one in the United States and one in the United Kingdom, reveal a strange fact: Your home address can say a lot about your risk of dying from a heart attack. Sometimes more than your doctor. The first study was presented at...