Statins and Grapefruit

For treating cholesterol problems, Western doctors prescribe statins as an overwhelming majority to any other treatment plan.  That is because they work on each element of the cholesterol panel- HDL, LDL, and triglycerides. In order for drugs to work, they must be...

Protein Shakes and Diabetic Kidney

Today we will examine another request from the comment section of the blog, which was simply the phrase “protein shakes and diabetic kidney.” The person requesting didn’t specify what he or she wanted to know within this subject, so as I poked into it, I had to assume...

Organic Food: Exceptional or Just Expensive?

Almost a thousand readers responded to the poll in the margin regarding whether or not they prefer organic foods versus those that are enhanced or otherwise tinkered with. Of the respondents, 62% answered yes, that they do prefer organic food and drinks. The other 38%...

Hemochromatosis and ED

I have had a few letters come in during recent months asking about how an overload of iron in the blood can cause certain problems. Some of them ask about blood pressure and some are strictly regarding erectile dysfunction. While women typically aren’t diagnosed with...

Symptoms of Hypertension and Other Diseases

Stress can take many forms. The image that is conjured for most people when they hear the word “stress” is someone with ragged facial expression as a screaming boss or broken down vehicle lurks in the background.  Or, it might be a harried parent trying to keep the...