by Christian Goodman | Jul 30, 2015 |
Most often we look as ED as an isolated health issue. Or maybe connect it to cardiovascular or hormonal problems. But a new study reveals a very common condition that almost doubles the risk of severe ED. Fortunately, treating this potential underlying cause of ED is...
by Christian Goodman | Jul 10, 2015 |
With prescriptions of ED medications being at a peak levels (and also the number of men suffering deadly side effects), you may be happy to hear that a common, cheap drink can be just as effective. Here’s the hint: 85% of Americans drink it every day! You should just...
by Christian Goodman | Jul 1, 2015 |
In a small research study, 67% of men had their ED cured as a “side effect” of a simple, low-risk surgery. The weird thing is, the surgery took place nowhere close to the genitals. In fact, it was done on a small gland in the throat. Although there has...
by Christian Goodman | Jun 23, 2015 |
ED medications have become so common, they’re almost considered the norm for men over 50. But according to new research, there is a big problem with these drugs. Even for men who have 100% success using them and few side effects, these drugs leave them...
by Christian Goodman | Jun 10, 2015 |
There is one chemical that’s very likely in the soap you use that literally washes away the testosterone from your body. This creates ED and lowers libido in men, as well as other dangerous health issues such as high blood pressure and heart attack. Triclosan is...
by Christian Goodman | Jun 1, 2015 |
Men who lack this one hormone in a specific way are 4.6 times more likely to suffer ED than those who have plenty of it. Some swear that supplementing with it is more effective than taking risky prescription medications. But there is a catch. If you lack this hormone...