by Scott Davis | Oct 8, 2022
Several studies in recent decades have proven that pets can improve stress levels and overall well-being. But can pets improve cholesterol levels? Yes, but not all pets, says a new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality and Outcomes. The...
by Christian Goodman | Oct 5, 2022
Blood pressure medications force blood pressure close to or down to a healthy level. The bad news: They come with a litany of side effects, often so serious that they outweigh the benefit of the drug. The good news: New research, published in the Journal of...
by Scott Davis | Oct 1, 2022
Everyone loves this trendy fruit. It has been praised as a superfood that’s good for your heart and overall health and can aid in weight loss. But it’s also rich in carbohydrates, extremely rich in fats, and massively high in calories, so can it possibly be healthy?...
by Scott Davis | Sep 28, 2022
We’ve been told for years to eat more omega-3s and less omega-6s to lower cholesterol and improve heart health. But now a new study in the journal Communications Biology has found two huge flaws in the previous research. They put the theory about the omega-3 vs...
by Christian Goodman | Sep 23, 2022
The vitamin we’re looking at today is super common, and thanks to researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, we know that it’s super powerful. They also found that it can lower blood pressure and reduce the buildup of arterial plaque, but the best part is that...
by Scott Davis | Sep 17, 2022
Eggs are a fantastic source of protein and a great alternative to the usual selection of meats, but for the longest time they’ve picked up lots of bad press for their high cholesterol content. Nutritionists and doctors have often warned against consuming more than two...