by Scott Davis | Aug 31, 2021
One of the best-understood effects of acid reflux is tooth erosion. So it’s important to treat acid reflux to save your teeth, right? It’s not so simple, says a new doctoral dissertation submitted to the State University of New York at Buffalo. Because the most common...
by Scott Davis | Aug 5, 2021
Acid reflux doesn’t only cause the horrendous stomach, chest, and throat pain that are all too familiar. We may not even think of other symptoms associated with acid reflux, but they’re just as serious. And a new study just published in The World Chinese Journal of...
by Scott Davis | Jul 30, 2021
The journal Gastroenterology has just published a study revealing a very unusual but effective drug-free treatment for acid reflux. And as scary as this treatment may sound, it’s actually quite safe. The lower esophageal sphincter is the gatekeeper of your stomach. In...
by Scott Davis | Jul 6, 2021
If you’re experiencing acid reflux on an almost daily basis, you have a 75 percent chance of eliminating it with this simple diet change. All is revealed in a new study from the Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. To find out whether a vegetarian diet could reduce...
by Scott Davis | Jun 1, 2021
These cheap common supplements have been hailed as a miracle cure for almost everything under the sun. And for good reason! Today, we can add acid reflux to the long list of conditions they successfully treat. Not only do these supplements drastically improve acid...
by Scott Davis | May 22, 2021
Acid reflux (GERD) is often written-off as a minor condition although it’s actually very serious. And the drugs used to manage it have always been considered quite safe. But a new study published in the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics reveals potentially...