Calcium Channel Blockers and Irritable Bowel

Recently we had a woman write in regarding concerns she had with her prescription medications.  She had talked to her doctor about it, but was frustrated by his lack of interest in her concerns and having given her what she called “the kiss off.” She was concerned...

Asthma- Milk Irritates More Than Reflux

A reader commented on the last milk article that he developed asthma as a result of his body’s intolerance to dairy. Understanding how this is possible means first understanding that there are different types of asthma, and thus the triggers for attacks will differ....

Why Milk and Digestion Problems Don’t Mix

A reader asked me recently about some unsettling assertions about milk that had been getting attention in the news. Her question was in regard to whether or not milk is bad for you. As with a lot of these questions, the answer is frequently yes and no. The benefits of...

Eating Right for Peaceful Digestion AND Complexion

This time of year always brings with it some very harsh reminders that winter time requires a little more effort to stay healthy and well. In many areas, winter means drier, colder, harsher air and this can cause a variety of skin issues. What a lot of people don’t...