Lifestyle Factors Causing Gout

Lifestyle Factors Causing Gout

If you’ve been diagnosed with gout, chances are you’ve been advised to cut down on foods that produce uric acid, including red meat and alcohol. Although this is not bad advice, if only tells part of the lifestyle story. According to a new study in The Journal...
Arthritis Caused By These Healthy Habits

Arthritis Caused By These Healthy Habits

There is one thing that all doctors and scientists agree will help fight off arthritis. You should absolutely be doing this. However, a new study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine reveals that doing too much of this can drastically increase your arthritis pain...
This Fruit Heals Osteoporosis

This Fruit Heals Osteoporosis

Most health recommendations regarding osteoporosis are preventative. For example: build stronger bones before your 40s and 50s. This is of little use if you’re already into your golden years and have already begun to suffer osteoporosis. Two studies presented at the...
This Vitamin Tackles Gout

This Vitamin Tackles Gout

This vitamin is cheap, safe, and available in all supermarkets. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it is also extremely beneficial for gout. The scientists from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School analyzed the data...
Common Arthritis Treatment: Life-threatening & Useless

Common Arthritis Treatment: Life-threatening & Useless

The world is becoming increasingly addicted to this ever-growing painkiller, so much so that scientists are starting to call it an epidemic. Two studies presented at the ACR/ARP Annual Meeting in Atlanta revealed even more worrying facts. Apparently, this class of...