by Scott Davis | May 7, 2023
One mineral has been linked in several studies to better brain function and smaller risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. How effective is this mineral, and how much is enough? That’s a question that a new study in the European Journal of Nutrition attempted to...
by Scott Davis | May 4, 2023
There is one thing everyone suffering from acid reflux knows: It’s very difficult to avoid it! That was true until a new study on the preprints platform medRxiv revealed a simple solution. It’s all about moving one thing! Here is the problem: up to now, most studies...
by Scott Davis | Apr 30, 2023
Parkinson’s disease is most often explained as a genetic disease, despite only a small percentage of people suffering from Parkinson’s having the Parkinson’s gene. How can genetics explain that Parkinson’s cases have more than doubled in the last 30 years, whereas our...
by Scott Davis | Apr 29, 2023
One of the problems with heart health is that once the problem appears, it takes a great deal of effort to reverse it. Sometimes undergoing surgery or taking dangerous drugs for a sustained period are the only options. What if you could detect heart attack risk 10–20...
by Scott Davis | Apr 25, 2023
If you suffer from acid reflux, you’re most likely using this drug, either as a prescription or over the counter. However, according to a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, you should immediately stop taking it. Among other...