How Hypothyroidism Breaks Your Bones

How Hypothyroidism Breaks Your Bones

People normally associate hypothyroidism with fatigue and obesity. According to a new study in JAMA Network Open, hypothyroidism can cause even more devastating effects. It can drastically weaken your bones, causing bone fractures and disability. It can happen whether...
For Parkinson’s Disease, Go Against Health Advice

For Parkinson’s Disease, Go Against Health Advice

Parkinson’s disease has no cure. However, it is possible to slow its progression or even stop it completely by making a few simple lifestyle changes. A study published in the journal Neurology proves how one of these lifestyle changes can drastically slow the...
Treat Diabetes: It’s NOT How but When to Exercise

Treat Diabetes: It’s NOT How but When to Exercise

Physical exercise is an essential part of treating type 2 diabetes. People often wonder what exercise is the best for type 2 diabetes. A study in the Journal Diabetologia reveals that it’s not about how to exercise but what time of day you exercise. In fact,...
71% of Neuropathy Cases are Curable Using Vitamins

71% of Neuropathy Cases are Curable Using Vitamins

A study just published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results has now proved that 71% suffering from neuropathy lack one common vitamin. This means that if you have neuropathy and you load up on this vitamin, you may be able to drastically improve and even...