Fighting Off Diabetes is Way Easier Than You Think

Fighting Off Diabetes is Way Easier Than You Think

The most common piece of advice on how to combat type 2 diabetes is to lose a lot of weight. This advice has given rise to some insane weight-loss schemes for those with diabetes, such as the “800 calories per day for eight weeks” diet. Fortunately, a new study from...
How Hypothyroidism Affects Your Mood

How Hypothyroidism Affects Your Mood

Hypothyroidism is one of the main underlying causes of obesity. It also robs its sufferers of energy and causes all kinds of physical discomforts. But what’s less talked about is how it affects your mood. A study in the latest edition of the journal Cureus...
Type 2 Diabetes Caused by Zero Calories

Type 2 Diabetes Caused by Zero Calories

If you’re suffering from type 2 diabetes, you have probably been advised to avoid foods and drinks that are high in sugar. And if you want soda, you should go for the sugar-free variety, right? Wrong, says a new study published in the journal Cell. Not only will these...
A Natural Oil Treats Neuropathy

A Natural Oil Treats Neuropathy

Conventional medicine provides very few treatment options for neuropathy. You can take painkillers or tough it out, and that’s pretty much it. But a new study published in Supportive Care in Cancer may change all that. Results revealed how a specific natural oil can...
A Simple Exercise Halts Parkinson’s Disease

A Simple Exercise Halts Parkinson’s Disease

The traditional medical system has no cure for Parkinson’s Disease, only medications that help treat the symptoms. But these drugs often come with significant side effects. It’s amazing then that a new study has come out which shows how simple lifestyle changes can...