by Jodi Knapp | Oct 21, 2023
Hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones, is characterized by fatigue, weakness, and brain fog. It’s often considered to be caused by inflammation, and the traditional medical system has no solution for it other...
by Jodi Knapp | Oct 10, 2023
The internet is full of useless old wives’ tales about treating neuropathy. That’s why a new study in the journal Pain Practice gathered all previous studies on food and supplements for treating neuropathy and produced an exhaustive list of ingredients that actually...
by Jodi Knapp | Oct 8, 2023
It’s beautiful, smells wonderful, and now, according to a new study in Life Metabolism, it can also heal type 2 diabetes. A few years ago, a team of scientists at the University of Otago made a significant breakthrough in diabetes research. They found that a chemical...
by Jodi Knapp | Oct 1, 2023
Physical activity is one of the main recommendations to prevent Parkinson’s disease and parkinsonism, its milder cousin. However, a recent study in JAMA Network Open suggests that a common sport may increase the risk of both. Drawing data from the Fox Insight study...
by Jodi Knapp | Sep 28, 2023
It’s tasty and sweet. According to a new study published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, it also permanently drops blood sugar levels of diabetic patients by a whopping 30%. Best of all, you can make this delicious drink at home or buy it in any supermarket....