Potential Cure for Parkinson’s Discovered

Potential Cure for Parkinson’s Discovered

Parkinson’s is a complicated genetic disease with no available cure and very few medical treatment options. And although natural methods have been successful at keeping it from progressing, they will not cure it either. A new study in the Journal of Clinical...
Curing Untreatable Vertigo

Curing Untreatable Vertigo

Doctors really have only one treatment option for vertigo. It’s called vestibular rehabilitation therapy and involves small head movements to dislocate crystals in your ear. The problem is that vestibular rehabilitation therapy doesn’t work for everyone, and then...
This Enjoyable Activity Defeats Dementia

This Enjoyable Activity Defeats Dementia

The traditional medical system has no solution for Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. There are no drugs that cure it or stop it from progressing. That’s why we celebrate a new study in the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. It reveals how a quite...