A study that followed more than 2,000 people for over a decade illustrates how eating a specific kind of treat can actually lower your blood pressure.
And, this particular food is recommended to be included in many diets- even some of the most restrictive.
More data from the Framingham Heart Study is being looked at regarding food choices and their possible effects on blood pressure health.
Of the more than 2,000 participants who were followed for more than 10 years, the ones who ate at least a half a cup of yogurt every other day were more than 30% less likely than their peers to develop high blood pressure.
Yogurt’s nutritive benefits go beyond being full of calcium and helping digestion. Most yogurt is packed with potassium and magnesium, two critical minerals in maintaining optimum circulatory health.
Yogurt not enough to lower your blood pressure? Check out these 3 easy exercises, proven to drop blood pressure below 120/80 as soon as today…
Re: Yummy Treat Lowers Blood Pressure.
I presume the yogurt in question is raw and not filled with sugar. I wouldn’t know where to get such yogurt in the UK. I wouldn’t even know where to get raw milk to make my own yogurt.
ian fleck, i was told to eat avocado for high blood pressure I do not know if it works.
The view held on the benefits of regular yogurt consumption is little help to those of us that are lactose intolerant :-(((. The side effects of the lactose in most BP medication is bad enough without eating more plus the sugars that are used in the carriers. Just my view on things, an what works with my body.
I eat unsweetened yoghurt but it’s made from pasteurized milk so I don’t know if it’s beneficial or not. I just like it.
ChrisR: After much gas and diarrhea I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance which stopped after quitting milk products. Then I discovered that after eating live active cultures of lactobacillus in yoghurt I was able to eat all of the milk products I wish. That is because the live active lactobacillus cultures, the good ones, give off a byproduct called lactase which of course is the enzyme which digests lactose (milk sugar). After a lot of searching I concluded that they exist in the large intestine where food waste products move much slower than in the small intestine. So if you get diarrhea or take anti-biotics, both of which get rid of the lactobacillus cultures then you probably need to eat more live cultures.
Enjoy your milk: Newell Heywood
Only sheep or goat's or grass fed cow's yogurt (which excludes all big commercial companies) and no fruits in it as together they cause indigestion.