Weight Loss May be Key to Stopping Vertigo

Dropping excess pounds may aid in vertigo symptoms, a study from Taiwan’s Taipei Veterans General Hospital discovered. In this study of 170 volunteers it was found that obesity was closely linked to symptoms of vertigo. Their research also discovered that heart...

What is the HCG Diet?

We get questions all the time about this diet or that diet, and generally, they are all related to the latest ‘breakthrough’ that claims to have discovered the secret to why people gain and store weight.  Upwards of two thirds of US adults, and a full third of US...

Hair Loss Caused by Medications

A few months ago, a reader had written in asking about hair loss creams.  The list of side effects for the topical solutions was concerning to him. He and his wife wanted to have a baby, and there were firm warnings on the label about not handling the stuff if...

Hanging Out With Friends Boosts Weight Loss

Spending time with others spurns more body fat and weight loss than dieting alone, a study by Ohio State University researchers found. In a study of overweight mice, scientists found that mice that socialized with other mice boosted levels of so-called “brown fat”—a...

Think This and Lose Weight

The drill sergeant approach to weight loss may be less effective than positive body image, according to results published in this week’s edition of the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. In this study it was discovered that one of the...