by Christian Goodman | Jan 7, 2013 |
The ravages of diabetes on blood vessels is well-documented. But now, researchers are finding that people who suffer from sleep apnea and chronic snoring are showing an almost identical severity of damage to arteries as what you’d find in people with diabetes....
by Jodi Knapp | Sep 26, 2012 |
In a small study out of McGill University in Canada, healthy men with this one sleep disorder were found to have a significantly increased risk of developing type two diabetes, even when all other risk factors were controlled for. Read on and make your comment… In a...
by Christian Goodman | Aug 6, 2012 |
It is becoming more widely known that sleep apnea, snoring, and other sleep disorders are highly destructive for overall health, and the drug market is booming with the drive to ‘help’ people with their sleep problems. However, even using a non-drug solution, such as...
by Christian Goodman | Jun 14, 2012 |
Snoring can erode more than a marriage, suggests a study reported in the British journal, the Telegraph. Researchers found that after adjusting for smoking, obesity, and other known cancer risk factors, that snoring puts people at almost 5 times greater risk of...
by Christian Goodman | May 20, 2012 |
Being a covers hog sparks a large percentage of the almost 200 arguments couples have per year about bedroom issues, coming in first as fight fodder. What’s number two? Snoring is the number two leading reason for bedroom fights between couples, according to a poll...
by Christian Goodman | Apr 17, 2012 |
Chronic sleep deprivation changes areas in the brain related to reward and pleasure. Scientists measured brain activity using MRI scans and compared the uptick in response in sleep-deprived participants to the normal levels in those that had plenty of sleep. The tired...