by Christian Goodman | Aug 18, 2017 |
We normally think of our own health conditions as affecting only ourselves. But, according to a new study published in The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, if you suffer sleep apnea, you may actually be putting other people at even greater risk than...
by Christian Goodman | Aug 8, 2017 |
So, you snore a little, what’s the big deal? Maybe your partner mentioned how you sometimes gasp for air in the middle of the night. Easy to brush this under the carpet. No… pay close attention. Because this may be a sign of sleep apnea… a mild case of sleep apnea but...
by Christian Goodman | Jul 8, 2017 |
A new study by Canadian researchers presented at the 2017 conference of the American Thoracic Society in Washington reveals some terrifying relations between sleep apnea and your heart. And it gets worse, as treatment options for sleep apnea seem to be useless. But...
by Christian Goodman | Jun 25, 2017 |
The concept of growth (youth) hormone has become quite a hype lately. Celebrities go to Europe for “youth hormone treatment”. And many doctors swear it will make your look and feel younger. But in addition to being extremely expensive, shooting yourself with hormones...
by Christian Goodman | Jun 16, 2017 |
If you suffer from any kind of chronic pain, most likely you’re taking specific a type of painkiller. But a new study reveals these specific painkillers can lead to sleeplessness and even sleep apnea. Which then again worsens your pain so you need more of these...
by Christian Goodman | Mar 17, 2017
Most people diagnosed with sleep apnea are sentenced to lifelong use of CPAP Masks while sleeping. But according to a Finnish research, getting 80% improvement in sleep apnea is a relatively simple task. We know that weight loss has many benefits. The great news is...