Sleep Apnea and Chronic Pain Connection

Sleep Apnea and Chronic Pain Connection

If you suffer from any kind of chronic pain, most likely you’re taking specific a type of painkiller. But a new study reveals these specific painkillers can lead to sleeplessness and even sleep apnea. Which then again worsens your pain so you need more of these...
This Tiny Change Cures Snoring and Sleep Apnea

This Tiny Change Cures Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Most people diagnosed with sleep apnea are sentenced to lifelong use of CPAP Masks while sleeping. But according to a Finnish research, getting 80% improvement in sleep apnea is a relatively simple task. We know that weight loss has many benefits. The great news is...
Vertigo Caused by Your Sleep (but easily solved)

Vertigo Caused by Your Sleep (but easily solved)

Vertigo is a dangerous, annoying, and lifestyle-changing problem, some people suffer falls, panicked dizzy spells, and other complications resulting in loss of driving abilities and even injury. But it’s studied so little that many sufferers are left with little to no...