Sleep apnea cured: a simple diet change

Sleep apnea cured: a simple diet change

Sleep apnea can increase your risk of serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes, in addition to making you feel tired during the day. Traditional approaches to managing sleep apnea have included weight loss, exercise, and, in more severe cases,...
Cure snoring and sleep apnea without losing weight

Cure snoring and sleep apnea without losing weight

If you snore loudly, most likely you have underlying sleep apnea—a potentially life-threatening condition. For a long time, being overweight and obese has been considered the #1 cause of sleep apnea. And the solution is therefore to lose weight. Makes sense, right? A...
To cure sleep apnea don’t lose (this) weight

To cure sleep apnea don’t lose (this) weight

Obesity is commonly believed to be one of the strongest predictors of sleep apnea. And losing weight is therefore the answer, right? Not necessarily says a new study published in Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity. There are many ways to define the categories of...
Sleep Apnea: New Cause and Cure Discovered

Sleep Apnea: New Cause and Cure Discovered

Sleep apnea is almost always blamed on obesity. But a new study published in Acta Medica demonstrates another body-wide function responsible for sleep apnea. This new finding may completely change how we treat this disease. The researchers conducted a study with...
Sleep Apnea Causes Differ Between Age Groups

Sleep Apnea Causes Differ Between Age Groups

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is most often blamed on being overweight and obese. But according to a new study in the journal Healthcare, it’s a little more complicated than that. Because different age groups have different underlying causes of their OSA. Utilizing...
Eat This to Treat Sleep Apnea

Eat This to Treat Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is usually blamed on unhealthy lifestyles like being overweight, having high blood pressure and blood sugars, and eating unhealthily. Further, the solution is to lose weight and use a breathing machine while sleeping. However, a new study published in...