Eliminating Painful and Dangerous Neck Tension

I was watching an old NCIS re-run the other day and one of Abby’s co-workers observed that she was tugging at her neck as she worked.  He commented about ineffective ‘chi’ and disrupted energy flow and told her to look into getting a neck massage. Romantic tension...

Clean Out the Fridge and Lose a Migraine

A friend of mine was laughing about her daughter, who has one of those little dorm fridges in her dorm room at college.  Mostly, she keeps some fresh fruit, a few cans of soda, and several bottles of water. But recently, she had started keeping some deli meats and...

I Won’t See the Doctor Because I Hate Pills

This statement occurs so much it leaves me wishing I could have a dime every time someone mentions it. Some of my own staff have even said variations of it from time to time. While I understand the sentiment, it does concern me a lot since a licensed health care...