Weird Acid Reflux and Migraine connection

Weird Acid Reflux and Migraine connection

If you suffer acid reflux and migraine, a new study in Neurology Clinical Practice offers an immediate solution. Even if you only suffer from one of those conditions, you should learn what they have to say. The researchers analyzed data from the National Health and...
Is acid reflux all in our mind?

Is acid reflux all in our mind?

Acid reflux is usually blamed on spicy food, overeating, smoking, alcohol, and other things we consume. But an interesting new study in Scientific Reports shows some surprising connections between acid reflux and our mind. Using data from 518 acid reflux patients, the...
Acid reflux healed in 7 steps

Acid reflux healed in 7 steps

Change seven things and you’ll eliminate over 90% of your acid reflux according to a new study published in BMC Gastroenterology. The study surveyed 9,631 adults between the ages of 35 and 65, collecting comprehensive data on their lifestyles, dietary habits, physical...
Why acid reflux can leave you deaf

Why acid reflux can leave you deaf

Acid reflux isn’t just a problem for your esophagus or throat. Surprisingly, it can damage your ears and even leave you completely deaf. That’s according to a new study in the Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Unlike the more commonly known...
#1 Cause Of Acid Reflux And A Simple Cure

#1 Cause Of Acid Reflux And A Simple Cure

Almost everyone experiences acid reflux once in a while. But for some it’s a lifelong, agonizing suffering. This may be changing. Because the Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology has just published a study revealing the number one cause of acid...
Acid Reflux: Causes & Cures Discovered

Acid Reflux: Causes & Cures Discovered

Acid reflux (gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD) is usually blamed on being overweight or eating the wrong type of food. But a new study in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology reveals two somewhat similar activities that affect this condition. Strangely,...