by Scott Davis | Mar 20, 2017
A burning sensation in the throat and chest and indigestion… sound familiar? But you don’t have to reach out for antacids every time. No… instead there is a simple, 10 second trick. It’s so simple you wouldn’t usually think of it as cure or solution. But it can...
by Julissa Clay | Jan 27, 2016 |
You are probably much healthier than your doctor thinks. And most certainly a lot healthier than your collection of prescription medicines suggests. In fact, you are probably much healthier than you have been led yourself to believe. Dr. Teppo Jarvinen, of the...
by Christian Goodman | Dec 31, 2015 |
I’m often asked: “If I can only do one thing, and one thing only to improve my health, what should I do?” My answer is always the same. This one simple thing drastically improves or cures almost all diseases plaguing the Western world today. It lowers blood pressure,...
by Christian Goodman | Nov 8, 2015 |
You will be shocked how many common drugs bring about ED as one of their side effects. If you’re taking any type of medications, and I mean ANY, make sure you read today’s article. Because just asking your doctor to switch out your meds may completely heal your ED...
by Scott Davis | Aug 16, 2015 |
A new mega-study involving over 3 million people has uncovered a strong and convincing link between heart attack and people who suffer heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion. But it might not be linked in the way you think. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD,...
by Scott Davis | Feb 12, 2015 |
Waking up with that horrible, sour taste in your mouth and your chest burning with acid reflux, your first impulse is probably to jump for the medicine cabinet. And what’s the damage? After all, these pills are sold over the counter, nothing but simple calcium or...