“Healthy” Habit Makes Acid Reflux Twice as Bad

“Healthy” Habit Makes Acid Reflux Twice as Bad

Acid reflux is mostly caused by lifestyle factors. So you may have tried to opt for healthy alternative lifestyle factors. But according to a new study in the Kazan Medical Journal, choosing one alternative may be going from bad to worse. In fact, this habit may make...
Acid Reflux 72% Better: Simple Habit

Acid Reflux 72% Better: Simple Habit

It’s proof of how stubborn acid reflux is that acid reflux drugs are the most sold medicine on earth – even if their side effects can be fatal. So, a 72% reduction in acid reflux from adopting one healthy habit should be tempting. And it’s free and convenient. This...
Terrifying Acid Reflux and Blood Pressure Link Discovered

Terrifying Acid Reflux and Blood Pressure Link Discovered

So you wake up in your bed with this gut-wrenching acid reflux – and as bad as it is, you think that’s the worst of it. Then you go to your doctor’s office, who says your blood pressure is high. But neither you or your doctor have any idea that your acid reflux...
The Best Way to Cure Acid Reflux (new study)

The Best Way to Cure Acid Reflux (new study)

Acid-suppression drugs are the only acid reflux treatment option doctors have. These drugs cause serious, even deadly, side. But a study that has just been presented at the American College of Gastroenterology 2021 Annual Meeting concludes that there is a more...
Common Acid Reflux Drug Causes Fatal Heart Attack

Common Acid Reflux Drug Causes Fatal Heart Attack

This is one of the most prescribed medicines in the world. But it’s not safe. Previous studies have linked this medication to many serious conditions. Including chronic kidney disease and stomach cancer. Now, a new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings adds to...
Melt away Acid Reflux (like wax)

Melt away Acid Reflux (like wax)

Burn it, melt it, or shed it away. One acid reflux cause rules all others. Carrying this cause increases your risk of acid reflux by 22.63% – burn, melt or shed it and… you do the math. This is according to a new study published in MedEspera. The main goal of the...