by ShellyManning | Jun 28, 2014 |
Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils are all over the place- in the news, on health food shelves, and seemingly everywhere in between. But it seems that people don’t generally feel comfortable explaining the difference between the two and why consuming them in the right...
by ShellyManning | Jun 18, 2014 |
If you’ve been diagnosed with arthritis, you’re probably faced with both very tight diet restrictions and the use of extremely dangerous prescription medications. This therefore should come as a great relief: researchers from University of Michigan Health System have...
by ShellyManning | Jun 2, 2014 |
Traditional medical system has absolutely no cure for arthritis. And the drugs available are only temporarily effective at best. At worst, the side effects have been proven deadly. But there is an easier, safer way to manage arthritis. It involves avoiding a few types...
by ShellyManning | May 27, 2014 |
If you suffer arthritis, you know that your pain and functionality changes drastically from day to day. One day you may be walking on the clouds and the next day your joints are killing you. But what is it that causes this rollercoaster ride in arthritis pain and...
by ShellyManning | May 18, 2014 |
There are plenty of psychological as well as physical reasons that can easily disrupt couple’s love life. We often assume that ED or female frigidity are the most common culprits of impaired bedroom affairs. However, according to the recent survey conducted by...