by ShellyManning | Jul 1, 2017 |
In 2017, the journal Arthritis Care & Research presented a study revealing how another, specific health issue seriously complicated the diagnosis of arthritis. More specifically, people who have this issue have high levels of the inflammatory markers called...
by ShellyManning | Jun 18, 2017 |
The British Daily Express recently interviewed a Cuban man who routinely used scorpion venom to ease his terrible arthritis pain. He keeps four scorpions around his house so that he could “sting himself” when his arthritis pain became bad, apparently about once a...
by ShellyManning | Jun 7, 2017 |
Traditional medical system has no cure for arthritis. And the drugs available are only temporarily effective at best. At worst, the side effects have been proven deadly. But there is an easier, safer way to manage arthritis. It involves avoiding a few types of foods...
by ShellyManning | May 11, 2017 |
Arthritis is considered incurable from the Western traditional pharmaceutical point of view. At best, medications can reduce inflammation and pain for a while. And most often it comes at the cost of serious side effects. But now, a team of researchers from Peking...
by ShellyManning | May 4, 2017
If you suffer arthritis, you know that sitting for long typing on a computer can be as pleasurable for your joints as teeth pulling. But there is a brighter side to computers and Internet. One that can help you even more effective than a well-meaning doctor. And this...