by ShellyManning | Feb 9, 2024
If you have been diagnosed with gout, you have probably been told to cut down on acidic food like meat, which is not bad advice. But a study published in the latest edition of JAMA Network Open reveals the #1 cause of gout. Without addressing this one factor, all...
by ShellyManning | Feb 4, 2024
Osteoporosis is generally blamed on lack of specific nutrition and exercise. But a new study in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology reveals that a common type of skin cream carries the blame. Corticosteroid creams are commonly used for...
by ShellyManning | Jan 21, 2024
There is no plant like this one. It can be used to improve all diseases. You can make cream out of it to apply to your skin or a tasty juice that works better than most medicine. It has special healing properties for arthritis and type 2 diabetes. It’s also extremely...
by ShellyManning | Jan 19, 2024
Throughout the years, vitamin D has gotten most of the attention for bone health. But a new study in Nutrients introduces another vitamin as even more important than vitamin D. If you have been diagnosed or are concerned about osteoporosis, you must make sure you’re...
by ShellyManning | Jan 14, 2024
A new study published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine reveals that those directly exposed to a common type of chemical are almost twice as likely to develop chronic bronchitis than the rest of us. We’re, however, all exposed to this chemical in lower...